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1909: Surridges Patents Ltd
Surridges Holdtite Patches & Adhesives
Surridges Holdtite Patches & Adhesives
Rec. Num. 1 of 14 Source: Motor Cycle Trader August 27th 1909
Image ID: 26319
1911: Surridges Patents Ltd
Surridges Holdtite Tyre Patches
Surridges Holdtite Tyre Patches
Rec. Num. 2 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle January 5th 1911
Image ID: 6970
1912: Holdtite Patches
Surridges Holdtite Gas Lamp Connection
Surridges Holdtite Gas Lamp Connection
Rec. Num. 3 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle December 26th 1912
Image ID: 8435
1912: Surridges Patents Ltd
Surridges Holdtite Lock Patches
Surridges Holdtite Lock Patches
Rec. Num. 4 of 14 Source: Motor Cycling June 25th 1912
Image ID: 16405
1913: Holdtite Patches
Holdtite Gas Lamp Connection
Holdtite Gas Lamp Connection
Rec. Num. 5 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle May 15th 1913
Image ID: 16535
1913: Holdtite Patches
Holdtite Tyre Repair Patches
Holdtite Tyre Repair Patches
Rec. Num. 6 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle November 6th 1913
Image ID: 28912
1914: Surridges Patents Ltd
Holdtite Adhesives & Acetylene Gas Lamp Connectors
Holdtite Adhesives & Acetylene Gas Lamp Connectors
Rec. Num. 7 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle November 12th 1914
Image ID: 19108
1919: Surridges Patents Ltd
Holdtite Puncture Patches
Holdtite Puncture Patches
Rec. Num. 8 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle April 3rd 1919
Image ID: 5989
1920: Surridges Patents Ltd
Holdtite Puncture Repair Patches
Holdtite Puncture Repair Patches
Rec. Num. 9 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle July 29th 1920
Image ID: 8910
1920: Surridges Patents Ltd
Holdtite Adhesives - Holdtite Puncture Repair Patches
Holdtite Adhesives - Holdtite Puncture Repair Patches
Rec. Num. 10 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle August 12th 1920
Image ID: 8911
1920: Surridges Patents Ltd
Holdtite Motor Cycle Accessories - Holdtite Gas Bag Connectors
Holdtite Motor Cycle Accessories - Holdtite Gas Bag Connectors
Rec. Num. 11 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle December 2nd 1920
Image ID: 15524
1920: Surridges Patents Ltd
Surridges Holdtite Bag Connector For Acetylene Motor Cycle Lights
Surridges Holdtite Bag Connector For Acetylene Motor Cycle Lights
Rec. Num. 12 of 14 Source: The Motor Cycle March 11th 1920
Image ID: 25743