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1913: Wincycle Company Ltd
1913 Wincycle Paragon Folding Sidecars
1913 Wincycle Paragon Folding Sidecars
Rec. Num. 1 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle October 23rd 1913
Image ID: 28815
1914: K.Portway & Co
Paragon Motor Cycles - 1914 Paragon 237 cc Motor Cycle
Paragon Motor Cycles - 1914 Paragon 237 cc Motor Cycle
Rec. Num. 2 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle July 23rd 1914
Image ID: 7084
1914: Wincycle Trading Co Ltd
1914 Paragon Folding Sidecars
1914 Paragon Folding Sidecars
Rec. Num. 3 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle July 2nd 1914
Image ID: 7085
1920: Paragon Motor Manufacturing Company
1920 Paragon Motor Cycle Advert
1920 Paragon Motor Cycle Advert
Rec. Num. 4 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle July 15th 1920
Image ID: 8565
1920: Wincycle Company Ltd
Wincycle Paragon Folding Sidecars 1920 Pattern
Wincycle Paragon Folding Sidecars 1920 Pattern
Rec. Num. 5 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle December 2nd 1920
Image ID: 15528
1920: Paragon Motor Manufacturing Company
1920 Paragon Motor Cycles Advert
1920 Paragon Motor Cycles Advert
Rec. Num. 6 of 9 Source: Motor Cycling January 21st 1920
Image ID: 25615
1920: Paragon Motor Manufacturing Company
1920 Paragon Two-Stroke Spring Frame Motor Cycle
1920 Paragon Two-Stroke Spring Frame Motor Cycle
Rec. Num. 7 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle March 11th 1920
Image ID: 25616
1921: The New Paragon Motor Works
New Paragon Motor Cycles 1921 Advert
New Paragon Motor Cycles 1921 Advert
Rec. Num. 8 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle November 10th 1921
Image ID: 9047
1921: Wincycle Company Ltd
Wincycle Paragon Patented Folding Sidecar 1921 Advert
Wincycle Paragon Patented Folding Sidecar 1921 Advert
Rec. Num. 9 of 9 Source: The Motor Cycle December 15th 1921
Image ID: 15768