October update news

I’ve just completed the first tranche of new updates. This set covers the years 1904 to 1947, with some 620 new records in the database.

1904 Excelsior

1904 Excelsior

I’m particularly pleased with the pre 1909 entries as original literature for scanning is either very scarce or generally beyond my budget.

Pre WW1 items are gradually being added, but any leads to early bike magazines for sale gratefully received!

1907 Rex Motor Cycle

1907 Rex Motor Cycle

I was hoping to have these processed in September, but with the glorious September weather I was out on my trusty Suzuki SV650.

I had a great day out at the the Stafford Classic Bike show on the 15th. Plenty to see and exhibitors very friendly and helpful – as a bonus I picked up a boxful of 1940’s magazines at a realistic price. Carrying them back to the car park about a mile away was not much fun – magazines are heavy! All in all a great success, but why oh why do all these shows have to have such loud background music incessantly blaring out?…. grrrrrr!

AsĀ  soon as I’ve finished this post I’ll be making a start on the second tranche of this update which will cover the years 1950-1960. With luck I’ll have completed this in the next week or so. .. then it’s on with the mags I picked up at Stafford. I can`t give an estimate for those to be processed as I’m not entirely certain what’s in there.

Finally… who doesn’t want a Vincent? – I’d settle for a Comet or Meteor, but unless I win the lottery, which I don’t do, I can’t hope to acquire one.

That’s it for now, thanks for tuning in.

1948 Vincent

1948 Vincent


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